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ODBC Socket Server is now ready for general use.  Please let us know at fxml@excite.com if you experience any issues (if you can provide a code fix it would be even better!); there are currently no known issues.
Currently, we are working on a KDE-based ODBC Socket Server client that will allow you to run SQL queries from your Linux desktop. We will have screenshots and a development version up shortly.

Looking for Mac or Tcl clients? See the User Contribution page for user contributed clients and classes.

New! For a great tutorial on setting up ODBC Socket Server with PHP see this article at PHPBuilder.com.

Some users have pointed out a bug in ODBC Socket Server with queries over 800 characters long. I have built a new binary to address this problem in advance of version 0.93. This binary is available for download here. Just copy your existing ODBC Socket Server executable to a backup location and save this binary in its place.

The following are available for download:

  • The ODBC Socket Server Manual. This PDF document includes everything you want to know about ODBC Socket Server including detailed installation, configuration, and protocol information. Please download this manual and read it when installing ODBC Socket Server.
  • The ODBC Socket Server installation.  Distributed as a zip file, this distribution includes the Windows NT Service and all clients. If you experience install problems, please check the FAQ.
  • Quick install guide. For those who can't view the PDF or can't wait for it to download, there is a quick install guide available that contains a brief installation list for the ODBC Socker Server NT Service. Please use this guide only as a quick reference as the manual contains more detailed information.